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The Yoga Alliance accredited teacher training course offers participants an introduction to Meridian Nidra. The 50-hour course will include elements of both theory and practice.

Meridian Nidra is a practice that combines two arts, Yoga Nidra and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC). During the Meridin Nidra practice, we will stimulate the energy channels that, according to TMC, transport the life energy Qi. We will deepen our knowledge of the Anatomy of the Lower Limb and use asana positions from the Yin yoga repertoire.

Dominik Trznadel conducting a yin yoga teacher training

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a conscious state between wakefulness and sleep enabling deep relaxation. It is an ancient yogic and tantric practice of conscious relaxation of the body, mind and soul. In Yoga Nidra, it appears that we are asleep, but consciousness is still functioning on a deeper level.

Practice gives us the tools to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves as complex, sometimes conflicted, multidimensional beings. In this course, I will guide you through the philosophy and science behind this fascinating practice.

(Yoga Nidra is the trademark of the Satyananda Bihar school of yoga and this course follows its methodology.)

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga, due to its uniqueness, is gaining more and more circles of yoga enthusiasts. Its meditative, calming, and perhaps even therapeutic effects are wonderful for many modern practitioners. The very popular practice of Yin Yoga can be both a perfect complement to more dynamic forms of movement and a very rich practice in itself.

Meridian Nidra

Meridian Nidra is a combination of Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Chinese Medicine. In Meridian Nidra, the most important component is becoming familiar with the paths of energy channels and their TMC properties.

Anatomy of the Lower Limb

This module will introduce you to the anatomy of a limb, the part most commonly classified in Yin yoga. This is a part of the body that is of great importance, primarily in terms of stability, but also body mobility. The goal is to become familiar with the elements of this part of the body and how to work safely and functionally as a teacher.

After completing the entire course, participants will receive a YA certificate and a ready-made script for practice.

Image by Ashley Batz

Learn to teach 

Meridian nidra

Step-by-step guidance, scripts and practice, as well as detailed practical techniques to help you become a Meridian Nidra teacher


The practice of Meridian Nidra helps us communicate with our body and look deep inside ourselves

Chinese Medicine and its impact 

Applying the TCM five element theory in a state of deep relaxation can lead to internal transformation

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Meridian Nidra

- Teacher Training Course (50hrs) -

1. Chinese Medicine

  • Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

  • Main assumptions and history of TCM

  • Energy Channels. Emotions, organs and the energy clock Theory of energy channels: location, functions, dysfunctions Energy cycle

  • Location of energy channels

  • Introduction to the 3 treasures (Jing, Qi, Shen)

  • TCM lifestyle, diet and maintenance

  • Theory of Yin, Yang and Qi

3. Yin Yoga

  • The History of Yin Yoga

  • Theory and practice of Yin yoga

  • Analysis of classic positions

  • Prop use and modifications

  • Safety during practice

  • How to teach functional yoga

  • Position modifications

  • Using TCM in yoga practice

2. Yoga Nidra

  • The art of relaxation by Swami Satyananda

  • Yoga Nidra: History and Origin

  • Yoga Nidra in Tantra

  • Anatomy of Yoga Nidra

  • Yoga Nidra and the brain

  • Four brain states: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta

  • Yoga Nidra and visualization

  • Different levels of Yoga Nidra

  • Benefits of Yoga Nidra: Physical, mental and spiritual

  • Yoga Nidra as meditation

  • How to practice and teach Yoga Nidra

4. Anatomy of the Lower Limb

  • Physiology and kinesiology (lower limb)

  • Common pathologies and treatments (lower limb)

  • Skeletal differences (lower limb)

  • Analysis of Yin Yoga poses (lower limb)

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This course is for anyone who:

Would like to learn how to conduct Meridian Nidra sessions individually or in groups

Strives to develop regardless of whether he is a teacher or has any previous experience in yoga

Wants to change negative habits to achieve a better and happier life

Wants to feel calm, release tension, stress and anxiety, and improve sleep

Needs to release emotional blockages and increase awareness on all levels

Dominik Trznadel


- Registered ERYT500 and YACEP trainer at Yoga Alliance,

- Trainer offering teacher courses and workshops in AcuYin, MyoYin, Meridian Nidra and Yin Yoga combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine,

- Member of the Yinspiration team founded by one of the most experienced Yin yoga teachers: Jo Phee,

- 200hrs Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer for Yinspiration

- Jo Phee's assistant at numerous training courses around the world.

I cordially invite you to Meridian Nidra teaching course, which I will conduct for you

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